Geocoding UK Postcodes with Google Map API


Notice: As a few people have pointed out, this announcement from Google means Geocoding is now built in. Yet as more people have pointed out – it kinda sucks accuracy wise (think over a mile off on some postcodes!), whereas my method continues to be accurate.

Google Maps API provides a geocoding feature, for finding the latitude and longitude of places or addresses; but it does not work for UK postcodes. This is thanks to Royal Mail who have a copyright on the data, and are very restrictive with their (expensive) licenses for it.

There are various solutions out there for using 3rd party services and importing the data to be used with Google Maps, or for using community built databases for the info. However, I’ve had a few people ask me about doing it just though Google.

It is possible — Google AJAX Search API does provide geocoding for UK postcodes. We need to use the two APIs in harmony to achieve our result.

So here it is.

Step by step

I’ll assume you already know how to use Google Maps API, and you came here just looking how to add geocoding for the UK.

Step 1.

Grab a two API keys, if you already have your Google Maps API key, just grab an AJAX search key. You can get them here:

Step 2.

Google will give you a sample page, you need to stick your two API keys at the top of the page, followed by a reference to your Javascript file:

<script src="*KEY*"

<script src="*KEY*"

<script src="gmap.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

Ensure the reference to your Javascript file comes after the two API keys.

Step 3.

In addition to the Google Maps API stuff, you need to stick a reference to Google local search at the top of your Javascript file:

var localSearch = new GlocalSearch();

You can grab my Javascript file right here, but remember you’ll need to change the API keys.

Step 4.

The key to this Geocoder is only a single function:

function usePointFromPostcode(postcode, callbackFunction) {
    function() {
      if (localSearch.results[0]) {    
        var resultLat = localSearch.results[0].lat;
        var resultLng = localSearch.results[0].lng;
        var point = new GLatLng(resultLat,resultLng);
        alert("Postcode not found!");
  localSearch.execute(postcode + ", UK");

It takes 2 arguments; postcode is the postcode you want to look for, and callbackFunction is the function you wish to run on the results.

Why is it necessary to do it this way? It is the way AJAX, and thus Google AJAX Search API, works – the request is sent, and a callback function is designated to handle the results returned, when they are ready.

In our case, the callback function can do whatever you want with the results, which will come in the format of a GLatLng (often just called a point); I’ve supplied 2 sample functions, placeMarkerAtPoint and setCenterToPoint which do pretty much what they sound like they do.

Step 5.

Putting aside accessibility and graceful degradation for the sake of simplicity in this tutorial, the last step we need is just to add some hooks into our Javascript:

<input type="text" id="postcode" size="10" />
<input type="submit" value="Place Marker" onclick="javascript:
usePointFromPostcode(document.getElementById('postcode').value, placeMarkerAtPoint)" />

We have a field for inputting a postcode, and I’ve added a button for placing a marker there. Where I have placeMarkerAtPoint you can put a reference to your own function, or you can even add a function right in there, like this:

  <input type="submit" value="Do whatever" onclick="javascript:
    function (point) {
      alert('Latitude: ' + + '\nLongitude: ' + point.lng());
      })" />


If you are coming in from an RSS reader, either visit this blog post on the site, or see the demo page.



Until Royal Mail sort get their act together, and relax the licensing agreement, hopefully this will help people who want a ‘pure’ Google solution and hadn’t come across this option. Please use the comments section to let me know if you are using this, or if you have any improvements or suggestions.

378 responses to “Geocoding UK Postcodes with Google Map API”

  1. Anybody know (ping Tom :0) how to add a unique string + the postcode as a bubble mouseover on the marker?

    For some reason all of my markers get the last text string rather than a unique string per marker.


  2. Hi Tom,

    I don’t know if you’re notified about any new comments on this post, but… I looked into this stuff around a year ago and this article has kind of sparked my interest again. What I wondered (this was what I originally wanted to do), is can multiple postcodes be handled at the same time. For instance, could I return many postcodes as the result of a SQL query and have them all plotted at once on the map? I then planned to have them merge into clusters with total numbers as I zoom out… I’ve done an example of this with map clustering but it’s static, i.e. The pins are placed by me in the code, not dynamically assigned as a result of geocoding.

    Cheers mate,


  3. I like it! Can the demo that you have easily be modified to paste in a list of postal codes to see multiple points on the map instead of typing in one by one? And increase / snap the map out to bigger size?

  4. As Jan said above, is this possible.

    It would be nice to be able to do this as it would make life so much easier!


  5. Hi Guys
    I would love to use this for a form that when all fields are input it shows the desired location on map and also send the info to my email? any thoughts?

  6. I hope this isnt a silly question, but will this same tutorial work for Canada, which also uses post codes? I was thinking of implementing this on a local directory site of mine. Thanks

  7. Hi All,

    I recently started working on Google Geocoding API. When i am querying using API(HTTP request) getting less results(some times only one result).

    Example Http Request:, mumbai, india &sensor=false

    My client saying that, the other company guys are getting more results for the same address.

    Is there any seoperate API provided or is there any other way to do geocode?

    Note: The results getting for others are not equal to the resutls returning from the API. but those are equal to the results displaying in

    Any one please help me…

  8. Hi,

    I am looking for some way to do this in reverse ie if I know the Lat/Lon how could I query with a Google API to get the resulting Postcode for where I am?

    Does anyone have an idea of how this might be coded?


  9. Great post. Here’s a geocoding feature that will make your applications smarter and more interactive. Instead of displaying plain text, any address-centric data can be displayed on your site with a live map from Yahoo! or Google. Users will get more accurate information and be engaged in the process

  10. trying to implement it on a different Web site. I thought I’d just need to generate a couple of new API keys, but the whole authentication system seems to have changed. Can someone advise me as to what I now should put in the code for loading the APIs (where previously one had the keys as parameters)?

  11. OK, let’s try again! I had this working fine a while ago, but now I’m trying to implement it on a different Web site. I thought I’d just need to generate a couple of new API keys, but the whole authentication system seems to have changed. Can someone advise me as to what I now should put in the code for loading the APIs (where previously one had the keys as parameters)?

  12. I worked out the answer to the above, and is working fine – but I can’t work out how to incorporate Street View with this code – any answers?

  13. how to pass multiple postcodes using Javascript instead of single markers via input type? Driving me insane….


  14. Hello, Tom
    this code is working good but i need thing that automatically display street addresses as we entered postcode in text field,
    if you have any idea then please post here,
    Thank You

  15. Both my map and yours have stopped working. they return postcode not found. I think this is caused by the version 3 bit.

  16. Looks like Google have made some changes that has broken this. Geocoding no longer seems to be working on my site or yours.

  17. This code works this morning but when I try the postcode this afternoon, it always prints “Postcode not found”, I share the link to my friends and the result does not change. I don’t know why