
Top 10 links to get started with SEO

If you want to get into search engine optimisation/marketing (SEO / SEM) then you need to quickly accept this fact: You are going to read. A lot.

You maybe are not in charge of 10 sites, do not have a long list of clients whose websites you work on, but are simply trying a DIY approach to getting your site better ranked in the search engines. However, when you search for “How do I rank better in Google?”, you are likely overwhelmed by the amount of information; SEO companies, blog posts, articles, forums, news articles and more.

So I’ve compiled this list of articles in the hope that at least some of budding students of search will find it. This is by no means all you need; SEO is ever evolving and you need to keep up to date (there are plenty of good blogs to help with that, which is another list for another time), but this list of 10 resources that will get you off the ground.

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d.Construct Conference

So, I have my ticket for the d.Construct Conference.

This will be my first conference since entering the web industry (I enjoyed conferences in London, Paris, New York, LA and San Francisco whie working in the Mac software industry), and I am looking forward to meeting some of the best in the business.

The schedule looks like it will be both fun and very informative. If you aren’t going then I suggest you take in the podcast so you realise you are missing you and make sure to book a ticket next year.

Richard Rutter has some more details, if you’re interested.
